Wednesday 28 June 2017

I am a Human Beng

No, it is not a typo. This blog name, is not a typo. Although I am a human being who is cursed with always having typos in my messages, I can assure you that yes, I deliberately spell it out: B E N G. Without the "I". 

Why you ask? I have no idea. I've been asking myself that for a whole 10 years of my life as to why my family calls me "BengBeng" even though my actual name doesn't consists any of those 4 alphabets. I guess I'm kinda stuck with it.

Hence, the blog name. I don't know man.. Having 4 dead blogs just kinda boils down to me going with the flow of just naming it as that. (Also who knows this might actually be a good idea compared to my previous stupid otaku blogs.)

So back to the main subject, welcome to my blog, where I post random things that happens to a nitwit person in life. I'm gonna post everything and whatever I want in this blog; be it Anime, Manga, Otaku shits, Games, Life, An obnoxious boyfriend, and An unlovable cat. So stay tuned my fellow human bengs.

Pew pew.